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St Peter's Church, Holton

Holton 14_1_2025

About St Peter's Church

Holton is a working village linked by ribbon development along the B1123 with Halesworth. Holton has a population of around 1,100, it is listed in Domesday, and the boundaries were redefined by the Local Government Act of 1972. The village consists of the old village and outlying farms, a post-war council development, and a 1960’s development on part of the old Holton Hall estate, together with Upper Holton comprising scattered houses and a pub. There is a large active village hall with a green, a primary school, and Holton Garden Centre/Market Fields shop. Businesses include Bernard Matthews’ turkey processing factory; medium and small businesses located on and near the old Halesworth Airfield site and at Holton Pit (formerly a gravel works); and a number of small bed and breakfast businesses.


The Grade II listed church lies between the old village and the 1970’s development. It is a lovely round-towered church with Victorian additions and subtractions and has a regular congregation of some 20 people. There is an open churchyard, and we have an agreement with the diocese for the use of the adjacent paddock.  The church has a good relationship with the Village Hall, using it for our Christmas Fair, Quiz nights, and Carols and a Pint evening. It is the second largest congregation and Church in the Team.


  • 32 people on the electoral roll.

  • Services on the second, third and fourth Sundays.

  • Most regular worshippers live in the village.

  • The church is kept in good repair.

  • Grant funding of more that 11k helped pay for repairs costing more than £17.5k.

  • A monthly Iona service which is well-attended.

  • Open the Book in Holton School.

  • The annual Church Car Boot Sale in May is held on the church paddock.

  • Other annual fund-raising includes the Flower Festival and the Christmas Fair.

  • Two lay elders.

Contact Us

Team Rector: The Revd Dominic Doble

Tel: 01986 948968/07743 554955



John Hewlett

Tel: 01986 875913



Chris Knevett

Tel: 01986 872467


Eco Warriors at Holton with Holton Primary School

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RSPB birdwatch Holton Photo by Neri Harris

RSPB: Great Big Churchyard Birdwatch

The sun shone brightly on the afternoon of our Great Big Churchyard Birdwatch at St Peter’s Church in Holton; the birds were tweeting and the churchyard was looking beautiful. On the 25th January 2025 around 30 people popped along to join in a lovely afternoon of activities. We were joined by some Brownies, Beavers and Halesworth Swifts. There was crafting, bird-spotting, cake, tea and coffee, quizzes, making bird feeders and some Swift boxes to explore. We were delighted to see the Buzzard in the churchyard; alongside, Robins, Blue tits, Coal tits, Pigeons, Collored doves, Chaffinches and Blackbirds (just to name a few).


It was wonderful to see all ages come together with excitement after Jim spotted the Buzzards visit in a tree. As people gathered, shared binoculars and also chatted with enthusiasm about what we could see. We also had a very eager Beaver who wandered around with dad and very excitedly tallied down in his little notepad any birds that he saw; practising for doing the birdwatch again the next day at home. As well as all generations having fun together doing bird crafts.


Thank you so much to everyone that helped. We hope to do another Great Big Churchyard Birdwatch in the churchyard in the summer holiday’s. And hopefully the Brownies, Beavers, Scouts and Halesworth Swifts will be able to attend for another fabulous community event.

RSPB Birdwatch Holton Brownies
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Find Us

St Peter's Church,

Beccles Road, Holton,

Halesworth, Suffolk

IP19 8NG

Photo Gallery

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Please support us - MAKE A DONATION 

Help us in the running of our historic Round Tower Church

THANK YOU, your donation will make an important difference.

Telephone: 01986 875941 or 07752 275328.    
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